Welcome to bookmyartist.live! By using our platform ("bookmyartist.live"), you agree to the following terms of service (the "Terms"). If you’ve previously used our services or visited our site, these Terms are an updated iteration of the Service Agreement you’re familiar with.

1. About bookmyartist.live

Provider: bookmyartist.live is managed by Tutubi B.V., incorporated in The Netherlands, with its registered office at Amstel 62, 1017 AC, Amsterdam. The company is officially registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, with the registration number 82410410.

Acceptance: By registering on bookmyartist.live and utilizing our services, you confirm your agreement with these Terms.

2. Account Creation & Management

Eligibility: You must be 18 or older to use bookmyartist.live. In certain regions, the age requirement is 21. We do not allow registrations from those below 13 and those between 13 and 18 (or 12 in select areas)..

Account Ownership: When you create an account, it’s solely for your use. Do not share, gift, or transfer it to someone else. We own any usernames or IDs linked with the service and can reclaim them upon account termination.

Security: Protect your account and password. If you believe there’s been unauthorized access, contact us immediately at support@bookmyartist.live. All account activity is deemed as your own unless you notify us of any breach.

Third Party Platforms: Logging in via third-party platforms? Ensure you follow their terms as well. In the event of any conflict, their terms will prevail.

3. Your Content & Rights

Ownership: You retain ownership of any content you submit to bookmyartist.live.

Our License to Use: By posting content, you grant us a global, non-exclusive license to use, modify, and distribute your content for enhancing and promoting our services, while respecting our Privacy Policy.

Other Users: They can access and use your content, but only as allowed by bookmyartist.live.

Third Parties: We might share your content with partners to help improve our services.

Your Content Responsibility: Ensure your content doesn’t violate any laws or rights and isn’t objectionable. This includes avoiding discriminatory, violent, or sexually explicit content.

Post-Termination: If you stop using bookmyartist.live, we may retain your content. If legally required, we might have to keep or disclose certain content.

Backup: Maintain a backup of your content. We won’t keep one for you.

4. Content Restrictions & Usage

Rights and Compliance: You should have the rights for any content you post. It shouldn’t infringe any laws or rights.

Objectionable Content: Avoid content that discriminates, promotes violence, or is sexually explicit.

Fair Usage: Use bookmyartist.live honestly and as intended. Misuse, like rule circumvention, can result in account suspension or termination.

Content Oversight and DMCA Protocol:

Despite our initial stance, it isn’t our primary responsibility to conduct preliminary checks or monitor user content on bookmyartist.live. In instances where users act in violation of local legislation, especially intellectual property rights or these service terms, we won’t be held accountable.

Our approach, where suitable, is to eliminate content from bookmyartist.live that infringes on rights. We also reserve the right to suspend or terminate accounts that break local laws or infringe upon the intellectual rights of others. If you’re certain that your intellectual property rights have been compromised, aligning with the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (“DMCA”), you can report it to us at support@bookmyartist.live. Ensure that such claims are made either by the property’s rightful owner or their authorized representative. By making such a claim, you’re setting in motion a legal procedure, so ensure its validity.

Your claim should encapsulate:

  • A detailed overview of the intellectual property you believe has been infringed.
  • Location of the potential infringement on our platform.
  • Your assertion, in good faith, that the suspected use isn’t sanctioned by the rightful owner, their agent, or the law.
  • Your affirmation, under penalty of perjury, that your claim’s information is accurate and that you’re either the owner or an authorized agent.

Content from Third Parties & Reporting Mechanisms:

bookmyartist.live doesn’t vouch for third-party content, its legality, precision, or reliability. By using our platform, you may encounter content that’s misleading, offensive, or even libelous. We advise caution and discernment when interacting with such content.

While we might occasionally review content for adherence to our guidelines and relevant laws, we aren’t obligated to. Should you come across content that you deem inappropriate or offensive, please activate the “Report content” feature within the platform. This will initiate an immediate removal, followed by a review by our team.

If you wish to block a particular user’s content, you can do so using the blocking feature provided on the platform. If you wish to reverse this, follow the same steps.

We reserve the unequivocal right to take down any content within bookmyartist.live as stipulated in these Terms of Service.

Our Intellectual Property Stance:

All proprietary rights linked to bookmyartist.live, including any forthcoming updates, remain with us and our licensors. Without explicit consent, users aren’t permitted to utilize our proprietary rights, including trademarks or distinctive branding elements like “bookmyartist.live”.

Your feedback is welcomed but isn’t obligatory. We’re free to implement such feedback as deemed fit, without any liabilities.

We grant users a restricted, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable privilege to utilize bookmyartist.live, inclusive of any future updates. This grant is contingent on adherence to these Terms and any other directives provided by us.

Refrain from altering, selling, or decompiling bookmyartist.live unless explicitly allowed by law or with our permission. Updates may be rolled out occasionally. However, their compatibility isn’t guaranteed across all devices.

bookmyartist.live’s Interactions with User Devices:

To deliver our service efficiently, bookmyartist.live may necessitate virtual access to the user’s device – this might include leveraging the device’s computational or storage capacities.

More insights into this interaction will be shared either within the platform or during the registration process. For optimal service delivery, users must grant these permissions. Should you decline, service provision might be impaired.

All personal data accessed will be treated with the utmost care and aligned with the bookmyartist.live Privacy Policy.

5. Assurances and Liability Limitations

While we’re dedicated to offering bookmyartist.live with notable diligence and expertise, our assurances primarily conclude there. As far as prevailing laws allow, bookmyartist.live and the associated platform are extended to users on a “present condition” and “as available” foundation. Neither we nor our affiliated entities guarantee or pledge regarding:

  • (i) bookmyartist.live’s uninterrupted, safe, or fault-free operation or its immunity from malware;
  • (ii) bookmyartist.live’s compatibility with specific devices;
  • (iii) bookmyartist.live’s marketable caliber, suitability for certain uses, or non-violation of third-party intellectual rights.

By aligning with applicable statutes, you willingly forgo any inferred promises or warranties.

Should any issues arise from:

  • (i) Your engagement with bookmyartist.live;
  • (ii) Any contravention of these Terms on your part, you commit to safeguarding us and our partner entities against potential consequences, including legal claims, costs, and associated expenses.

6. Service Cessation Terms

Your engagement with bookmyartist.live persists unless concluded by either party. Termination of any third-party agreements associated with your bookmyartist.live registration results in the simultaneous cessation of your bookmyartist.live access.

The termination can be initiated by either party at any moment, for any reason, taking immediate effect upon formal notification to the counterpart. Furthermore, we hold the discretion to suspend or conclude your bookmyartist.live access for reasons including but not limited to service maintenance, policy breaches, risk creation, inactivity over half a year, or as mandated by law.

Upon bookmyartist.live access conclusion, you acknowledge that:

  • (a) All your rights under these Terms cease;
  • (b) You will expeditiously end all interactions with bookmyartist.live and purge any related copies.

7. Additional Provisions

These Terms encapsulate the comprehensive understanding between you and us, overriding any former agreements or understandings. However, if you registered via a third party, their terms might also apply. The enduring nature of these Terms’ provisions is subject to lawful allowances.

We maintain the right to alter these Terms. Changes will be communicated, and if they’re not acceptable to you, your only recourse is to cease using bookmyartist.live. Continuing use post-modification implies your acceptance.

For all legal documents associated with bookmyartist.live, including these Terms, the English version reigns supreme. We disclaim any potential legal implications arising from translation discrepancies.

All relationships and disputes stemming from these Terms will adhere to the laws of The Netherlands. Should conflicts arise, they’ll be first addressed amicably. Failing that, the authorized jurisdiction becomes the courts of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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